Want a free one-year print subscription? Submit your work to our Literary Awards by April 30th and get a subscription included in the submission fee*!

Why submit to our contest? Three grand prize winners (fiction, cnf, poetry) will receive a $1000 prize plus publication in our Fall/Winter 2024-25 print edition and web publication on our contest winners page.

All submissions are considered for print publication! Already have a submission in our queue? Are you a recent print or web contributor? You can still submit to the contest! All work is read anonymously at all stages.

Check out our esteemed judges, more contest info, and specific guidelines on our Ninth Letter Literary Awards page. Still have questions? Send us an email at ninthletter9@gmail.com, and we will be happy to assist!

All submission fees are used to pay contributors, guest judges, and maintain our Submittable subscription. Every submission helps support Ninth Letter and our contributors. We are so grateful for your support!

*For U.S. entrants only. International entrants will receive a free copy of the Fall/Winter 2024-24 print edition.

Submit to the 2024 Ninth Letter Literary Awards by April 30

$1000 prize for the winner of each genre (creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry).
Ninth Letter Literary Awards

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